Growth, Relationship

3 Life Hacks That Will Grow Your Faith

Do you cheat yourself and cut back on your time with God just because your daily schedule is bursting at the seams? Are you spending an hour or more at the gym, surfing the web, watching Netflix, but you struggle giving your relationship with God the same time?

Freedom, Relationship, Restoration

Road to Christian Discipleship

The road to Christian discipleship isn’t hidden, but it is often missed. (Matthew7:14). As modern day Christian disciples we are to choose to be like Christ in all our ways (Proverbs 3:6). It is wise to evaluate your surrender to Christ and comprehend what that looks like.

Growth, Relationship

Are You a Disciple of Jesus Christ or a Christian?

What do you consider yourself to be, a disciple of Jesus Christ or a Christian? If you know your answer right away, that’s good, but since you are here, you might as well read on. Your answer could very well be influencing your relationship with God, your faith walk, His provisions for you and your spiritual authority on this earth.