Are You a Disciple of Jesus Christ or a Christian?

What do you consider yourself to be, a disciple of Jesus Christ or a Christian? If you know your answer right away, that’s good, but since you are here, you might as well read on. Your answer could very well be influencing your relationship with God, your faith walk, His provisions for you and your spiritual authority on this earth.

I remember growing up thinking the disciples of Jesus, no longer existed in the manner in which they lived during Jesus’ life and his resurrection. I viewed Jesus’ disciples as regular men and women from all walks of life and different occupations, who were bold, brave radicals, following the Way. They used their resources, talents, skills and tenacity to serve our Lord and Savior. Growing up I perceived that true form of dedication, read about in the Bible, from the followers of Jesus Christ, a thing of the past.

What was modern and very present was Christianity, which looked all the way different than discipleship of Jesus’ day. I considered myself to be just an ordinary Christian. I understood I had to serve others and by doing this I would be serving God. I needed to love and emulate Jesus, say prayers, go to church and try to be good and please God. That was my spiritual agenda but for many years my natural agenda looked all together different.

Modern disciples of Jesus to me, resembled priest, pastors, nuns, deacons and the like, they seem disciplined and truly committed to Christ, just by their choice to go into service. They give up a normality of life, do mission trips, take vows of celibacy and so on. As a young woman, I believed these choices to be admirable qualities and great sacrifice. But for me, I needed more control of my life and I relegated myself to be just a Christian. There the great divide seemed to come into my subconscious. There you had clergy or men and women of the clothe and then the congregation. The disciples and the Christians, the Sheppard and the sheep, the disciplined and the not so disciplined. What a concept, would you agree?

Acts 11:25-26 says, “Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The discipl were called Christians first at Antioch.”

It is hear that Disciples and Christians are established as the same thing, followers of Jesus Christ. These disciplined believers of Jesus Christ, disciples, are in fact Christians, too. Where and how did I grow up, in a Christian home, go to church almost every Sunday, participate in Christian activities and miss this? It’s amazing how you can read the bible or think you know what the bible says and be totally off.

Discipleship is not uncommon. Jesus disciples were given a wonderful brand name, Christians. Our perception of how the walk of a Disciple of Jesus and a Christian may appear to be different, in the world we live in now. However, the word of God makes it plainly understood, Christianity is our label, but our walk as a disciple should look the same, as it did when Jesus lived and was resurrected.

It was after Jesus’ resurrection that the mighty power of the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon the disciples (Acts 2:1-11). They understood and perceived a new oneness with our Lord and Savior. Their faith grew exponentially because all that Jesus had told them was unfolding before their very eyes. The disciples performed miraculous wonders, as Jesus had done when he walked the earth. Since surrendering my entire life to Christ over a decade ago, the fruits of living as a disciple of Jesus Christ, a Christian are priceless.

The world can cleverly shape our perceptions without the true knowledge and understanding of what the word of God says. When you are not exactly sure what the word of God says, years and decades can pass with a flawed belief system. Deception of this kind can have a devastating effect on your relationship and walk with God. We Christians are suppose to be acting like disciples, disciplined followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now, what does that look like? What are you, a disciple of Jesus Christ or a Christian?

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