Road to Christian Discipleship

The road to Christian discipleship isn’t hidden, but it is often missed. (Matthew 7:14). As modern day Christian disciples we are to choose to be like Christ in all our ways (Proverbs 3:6). It is wise to evaluate your surrender to Christ and comprehend what that looks like. With a step at a time, the journey of fruitful Christian discipleship is possible, today.

Peter, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John surrendered their normal lives and made the choice to follow Christ Jesus (Mark 1:16-20). They paid taxes, had careers and distractions. Like them we need to be loved, have shelter and provision. We don’t have to go back in time to know this, because they were human, but despite these necessities, when Jesus called them, they followed. We must open our minds to the possibility that how our brothers and sisters walked with Christ so many years ago, is still, a very attainable walk today.

Once we are open to that possibility, it is then, a matter of deliberate choice (Deuteronomy 30:19-20). Just as the disciples in the Bible simply heard the call and surrendered their lives to Christ, we must too. To surrender my friend for some is super easy and for others it may be so hard, they don’t ever make the choice. Then of course, it’s all of those folks in between. Not all who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior have fully surrendered to him (Matthew 7:21-23). Disclaimer: this is not my opinion, but based off the Word of God. We are all work in progress and it is God’s job to perform a great work in us (Hebrews13:20-21).

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ( Romans12:1-2)

Here are some questions that may help you grasp a better perception to surrendering your life to Christ Jesus.

1. Have you relinquished your life to God, entirely? Are you at least trying?
2. Do you really want, what God wants, for you and all his children? Do you give him your full loyalty?
3. Do you allow yourself to be led and or convicted by the Holy Spirit, daily?

Many of us don’t know or comprehend what Christ being our Lord means. If Christ Jesus took his physical throne today, as his subjects, we would have to kneel and pledge everything to him. In truth, he is on a throne today! (1Peter 3:21-22) His throne and kingdom is set up within those who have given their lives to Jesus, the body of Christ.(Luke 17:21) Surrendering to Christ Jesus should not be a far off goal for any Christian Disciple, it should be on the top of your things to accomplish list. We need to be willing to give all ourselves and submit to his leadership, everyday. It is the hinge to how successful our service, love, walk and faith in Christ Jesus will be.

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior is remarkable and it ensures your eternal soul. Surrendering your life to him now, is a spiritual process that manifests itself in our natural world, the one we can see. It produces benefits that we can use, today in our natural lives. It strengthens our faith, prayers, connection to the super natural power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, the Holy Spirit. As you give God every area of your life, even the bad parts, he will give you back beautiful blessings and renewal. God rewards those who are willing to put all their faith in Him, His Plan and His Son (Hebrews 11). Your surrender to our Lord Christ Jesus should be absolute. How that surrender looks, determines your evolution as a Christian Disciple of Christ Jesus.

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